Back to School Night Welcomes Parents
photo by Anna Nguyen
There were many performances including Song & Cheer, band, and choir.
September 16, 2021

Cypress High School hosted its annual Back to School Night on Thursday, September 2, as an opportunity for parents to meet and speak to teachers and to learn a little bit about the classes their children are taking.
Families gathered around the quad at the start of the event to watch performances from Song, Cheer, Band and Choir. Parents got to see them in action and cheer them on in support. These were followed by speeches from the school administrators, PTSA President, ASB President Joey Hannifin and Cypress Student Ambassador Eunice Kim as an introduction to the night’s event. An In-N-Out food truck was located by the gyms for any hungry families to purchase a meal from to support the PTSA fundraiser. ASB officer, Caroline Kraemer (12th), said, “We (ASB) worked hard with Mr. Pfeiffer to make sure the night would run smoothly so parents could have ample time to visit all the teachers and grab a yummy bite to eat.”
This year’s Back to School Night was an outdoor self-guided tour to accommodate the Covid-19 guidelines, so each attendee was given a flyer with QR Codes and a map. The map showed where each department would be located, which was the little area where teachers stood by for parents and students to approach them with any questions they had. Cypress High School student, Natalie Sheng (11th), said, “I liked being able to walk around campus to show my parents where my classes were and it was a good way for them to meet my teachers.” The QR codes led to material or presentations teachers had to showcase to parents. Videos, Powerpoints and reading material popped up after scanning the QR codes. Mr. Molina, parent to a student at Cypress, reported that, “The school did a great job setting up the night, I was able to easily find all the class departments and speak with my daughter’s teachers. The kids who did performances and speeches earlier in the evening were a delight to watch, great to see school spirit.”
Yerin ♦ Oct 24, 2021 at 7:09 pm
I like the way they stated the details and information. I didn’t attend Back to School Night, so I was curious how did it go by. It tempted me to want to attend if they have for next time.
peter ♦ Oct 22, 2021 at 2:09 pm
I like that you mentioned everyone that was involved in helping set this all up so that it can me possible, I also like how you set it up since my parents said that it was easy t navigate.
Krishiv ♦ Oct 22, 2021 at 12:36 pm
Overall, I totally agree with you. I am a part of Band and I remember putting on a show for the audience! Back-to-school night was really hectic considering the amount of people there. My family and I did not go and me my teachers since we couldn’t make time, however marching outside of the quad was pretty easy considering the amount of people there and how organized it was. I saw how the teachers were talking to parents outside of the buildings which is creative based on how many people were not wearing masks and how many parents didn’t want to go indoors. Although, I really enjoyed being there and it was great.
Aidan ♦ Oct 22, 2021 at 10:21 am
COOl!!! I really like all the awesome that were mentioned that were involved in the event and the parents that attended. On the other hand I would’ve like pictures of different happening there instead of just the dance like a sport. Overall amazing article.
Natalie Flores ♦ Oct 19, 2021 at 1:46 pm
I think that this setup was very creative as well and it was very easy for me and my parents to get around school to the departments I needed to visit. Overall, it was a good experience.
Anish Ashokkumar ♦ Sep 30, 2021 at 11:17 am
Nice work!
Jake Harris ♦ Sep 30, 2021 at 10:55 am
Yesss Anna slay