You Can Always Count on Math Club!

photo by Centurion Spotlight

Math club works tirelessly to fundraise and support spreading the love for math!

by Ye Ji Jong, Editor in

Cypress High School’s Math club has been tirelessly tutoring Centurions after school throughout the second semester. Recently, they had a successful Pi Day fundraiser where they raised $146.50.
Despite the bumpy and unprecedented times of online school, Math club came back stronger than ever, eager to teach struggling students. The board consisted of Hansen Tao (President), Jordan Vu (Vice-President), Dowon Seo (Treasurer), Katie Do (Secretary), Annie Ho (Publicist), Harrison Hong (Event-Coordinator), and Katherine Ngo (Event-Coordinator).
Math club president Hansen Tao (Junior) stated, “I got interested in math because it developed my logical and problem solving skills and I met some really great mentors who introduced me to math. I am most proud of the fact that we are able to provide competition opportunities to students and host events coming back from an online year.”
While math is a subject that many students tend to dislike and fear, Math Club tries to make math as approachable as possible. They have a 3:1 ratio of tutors to students who are more than happy to help.
Harrison Hong (Junior), the event coordinator, told the Centurion Spotlight, “Math club cultivates a risk free environment without being scared to ask questions. We have more tutors that are ready to help students struggling with math. Next year I definitely want to provide more opportunities to students who already enjoy math so they can shine more and get more students who are struggling to get involved in tutoring.”
Common goals that the board has for next year include interacting more with club members, events to continue to run smoothly, and publicizing their events and tutoring more.
Treasurer Dowon Seo (Junior) claimed, “The best part of math is that it’s very interactive and gears you towards critical thinking. The best part of my job is interacting with different people and just getting more involved at school. It’s rewarding to help break math down into simpler terms and see students understanding the subject.”
Centurions are very fortunate to have such a welcoming and knowledgeable club that’s devoted to helping every student! Fantastic job to Math Club for such a successful year!