Mental Health Awareness Month

by Nevaeh Rangel, Staff Writer

May is the month of spreading awareness for Mental Health, which is a top priority at Cypress High School. Your mental health is the psychological tension or relaxation you are putting your mind through. Your thoughts and emotions are just as important as your physical health, such as your diet and fitness. Being a student in the pandemic is so stressful and overwhelming, but we are just about done with the semester! With tests frying your brain, and everyday troubles at home or just in general, you should do something to take all that weight off your brain. Cypress High has been helping the students.

Cypress High takes mental health very seriously. In a school with high academic achievers, the stress and anxiety students encounter are tremendous. Stress and/or anxiety can lead to a person feeling very “down in the dumps,” or even, at times, suicidal. You might feel like you are working hard to meet your goals, but you also feel as if you’re crawling to do so. Maybe you do not feel as motivated, or for some reason all this tension has you acting grouchy, or just not yourself at all. Maybe it is time to learn about your health in Mental Wellness lessons in subjects like health class.  Cypress High has held mental health nights for families to attend. In fact, counselors send out weekly reminders to students about opportunities and resources on their weekly emails to students. The Anaheim Union High School District has also been focused on mental health for staff and sends out weekly information on mindfulness, mental health challenges and overall wellness.  Being super busy with end-of-the-year festivities, school psychologist Mrs. Klingsporn made it clear that Cypress High is concerned about the students, especially their Mental Health. 

              “Cypress teachers are compassionate and caring mentors and they are often the first person to reach out to students,” Mrs. Klingsporn said. “Counselors are available to help address social-emotional concerns and direct to more intensive support, if needed.” Teachers and counselors are often the adults students confide in. Social workers, such as Mrs. Lopez, meet with students who require more intensive or specialized support. 

Most students have a network of support in their lives that provide guidance. But there are some students with no one to turn to. Fortunately, they have the option to reach out to school staff for help.

“School psychologists also meet with students, but largely assist in supporting the specialized programs on campus,” Mrs Klingsporn added. The WhyTry Program has been introduced in the small group setting to address specific concerns that students share. Students on campus come together to help discuss how to reflect support, changes, and information. Though, information goes out regularly from the counselors office and through the parent liaison to address mental health and substance issues. 


If you don’t regularly put your mental health into consideration, it’s important to at least take the time this month to get out of your comfort zone. Not everyone is depressed, but to those who are, the students of JOURNALISM send you a big hug, and want you to know that you ARE NOT ALONE. What you feel and say DOES MATTER. YOU MATTER. Before things get better, they have to fall apart. Sometimes tacos fall apart, but we still love them. 


Student & Family Resources:

Mental Health-

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8225 

Crisis Text Line: Text Home to 741741

TrevorLifeline: 1-866-488-7386

TrevorText: Text Start to 678678