Centurions Share Their New Year’s Resolutions

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Many Centurions are trying to stick to their New Year’s Resolutions.

by Jonathon Rice and Anish Ashokkumar

Approximately 2,000 years ago, Julius Caesar of the Roman Empire made Jan. 1 the first day of the New Year, and then the Romans made promises to deities to become better in the New Year for them.

We still make resolutions to this day, doing it to become a better version of ourselves. Mrs. Brief, criminal justice and legal careers teacher, says her New Year’s Resolution is “to be more sensitive to others around me” and to “be more patient.” Mrs. Frank-Johnson’s New Year’s Resolution is “to keep to my routine” whereas Mrs. Armstrong’s New Year’s Resolution is “to live in the moment” as she is a very busy individual with many things happening around her.

Freshman Lucas Fong states that his New Year’s Resolution is to “be more kind in general.” New Year’s Resolutions are expected to be celebrated for years to come. All resolutions are unique and great in their own ways and a great tradition in society.