What’s Happening in Our Clubs This Month?

photo by Anna Nguyen

Cypress Key Club outside Six Flags Magic Mountain ready to enter the park for Fall Rally.

by Anna Nguyen, Staff Reporter

With over 20 clubs on campus, there is something out there for everyone. Cypress offers clubs based on the arts, academic help, community service, career pathways and so much more for students to join and be involved in. Our clubs accomplish, create and participate in so many exciting and unique events that often go unnoticed. Here are just a few things that our clubs are doing or have coming up that will capture your attention. 


Palestinian Culture Club is going to have a showing of a short information film on border control in Palestine. Mohammed Khalil (12), president of the club, hopes this would be a great way to “bring awareness” to what’s going on there. Khalil reports, “I plan to host a potluck as a way to have my members showcase all the different types of cultural foods there are from all over the world.” The potluck will also feature fun activities that will have the club engage and bond.


Key Club took over Six Flags on November 13th. As part of an annual event, every November, Key Clubs from across California, Nevada, and Hawaii attend a big event called “Fall Rally.” Over 40 Cypress students attended and had a great time going on rides and participating in the spirit session. Joanne Lee (10) said, “Fall Rally was so much fun, I’ve never been to an event like this before.” For a lot of Key Clubbers, this was their first Fall Rally and it left a great impact, “This was such a memorable day. Winning the spirit stick was my favorite part and I can’t wait to go next year,” reported Allen Blanco (11). 

French club is going to have a popcorn fundraiser. Starting in December, club members will be selling Popcornoplis to raise money for their club to attend events and host fun activities. Victoria Vo (12), president of the club, invites all Cypress students to join, “French club is not limited to just French class students. Anyone can stop by and join us. We hope to use the funds we raise to attend a French movie festival we annually attend.”

Cypress’ Raising Student Voices and Participation Club (RSVP) has their first Summit on December 8th. Facilitators for this event have already met up once to prepare and will meet again.