In this season it’s been a slow start for Boys Tennis. They have won 1 out of 6 matches so far. But as the season goes on, the Cypress Boys Tennis team will have more opportunities to play against other schools.
Each year the captain and coach have a goal they have for the team. AP Language teacher and Tennis coach Mr. Joseph Paul says, “We are just rebuilding our varsity team, so that’s what we’re working on the most.” Tennis captain, Senior Thomas Lee, says, “I’m the only senior so I’m setting a foundation for the next year to come. Because tennis is rough because you’re out there by yourself or with a partner. It’s not like basketball where you have five guys on a court and you guys talk to each other.”
Tennis is challenging in its way because these boys sometimes have to compete against guys who have been playing for their entire lives and who are also probably going to play in college. Some challenging schools the Cypress Boys Tennis team is going to play for the rest of the season are Sage Hill High and Lutheran High School.
Of course, any sport including tennis comes with a challenge, but to win as many matches, the players have to have motivation and a supporting coach. Mr. Paul says, “The biggest thing I tell the players is win or lose it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is their effort and if they can look me in the eye and say that they did their best, I’m okay with that. But if they lose and I know they didn’t try then we have to talk.”