Disney released one of their newest animated films, “Mufasa: The Lion King“ on December 20, 2024. Directed by Barry Jenkins, this film dives into the backstory of Mufasa, taking the audience through the leader of the Pride Lands. The movie gives fans a better view on one of Disney’s well-loved characters. The film takes us to a time before Simba, showing Mufasa’s early life, struggles, and how he took over the throne.
The film features the voices of actors, with Aaron Pierre as the voice of young Mufasa, Kelvin Harrison Jr. as the voice of Scar, Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen as the voices of Timon and Pumbaa, John Kani as Rafiki, and Beyoncé as Sarabi.
The movie goes into Mufasa’s childhood, exploring his origins and the challenges he faced before becoming king. We see how his relationship is with his brother, Scar takes a turn for the worst. The main focus of the movie is Mufasa’s growth as a leader while learning to balance his kindness, on top of his relationship with his future wife/queen, Sarabi. The movie highlights loyalty, family, and destiny while sharing Mufasa’s past, demonstrating that wasn’t always the calm and wise figure. This film brings the audiences closer to the character and takes us into the past of the Lion King universe.
“Mufasa: The Lion King“ connects to the 1994 original and the 2019 remake by expanding more on Mufasa’s backstory. It gives viewers an in-depth backstory on his rise to the throne. While the 1994 film focuses on Simba’s journey, the 2024 movie shifts the spotlight to his father, showing how Mufasa became the strong leader who would one day guide Simba. The movie brings in the details of family and the Circle of Life with references to the newborn cub from the original movie. This scene connects the two films together, giving the audience a sense of continuity while adding depth to the world of the Pride Lands.
With an emotional and thrilling backstory to one of the well known characters in Disney history, Mufasa is a great addition to the Lion King. The film expands the world of the Pride Lands. While showing how Mufasa’s past brings him to be how he is in his future.