College and Career Fair Prepares Students for the Future

photo by Alex McDevitt

Principal Brown and her team showed off Cypress at the fair

by Alex McDevitt, Distribution Chief

 College and Career Fair was a big event that helps students find ideas of what college or career they want to pursue. It helps students from 7th – 12th grade to find the right school and career for them to be great in life.

There were thousands of students there helping and seeing what schools are available and careers that caught their eyes. Mr. Collar, who teaches at South Junior High, uses Minecraft to teach his students science, history, building, social emotional, digital citizenship, and e sport. It helps his students learn better and when they do projects they do it “amazing”. Collar said, “Students are proud of what they do” and he is proud of them too. 

Board of Trustees member Annemarie Randle-Trejo said that preparation for the College and Career event “takes at least 364 days.” She believes that the most important part of the event is “for the students to come and see what is available. What we have is a lot of opportunities not just for college, but also careers.”  Randle-Terjo wasn’t expecting a lot of kids to

 be there but seeing that thousands of them show up she was filled with joy to see many kids coming to the event.

Cypress Senior Myles Konoske never went to a college and career fair before, but tried it and had a great time. Fullerton and Cypress colleges caught his eye, but he is still looking around to see if there are any better opportunities. 

For people who are having trouble finding a college or career to go to, Konoske said, “There are a lot of events Cypress has that help you work toward these goals. I recommend going to them. It’s a helpful experience that makes you learn a lot.”