Navigating the journey towards graduation is a pivotal part of every senior’s high school experience. Seniors must ensure each step is addressed, setting the stage for a memorable transition. Here’s a guide to assist seniors in preparation:
1. Securing Your Cap and Gown:**
Before the commencement day arrives, obtaining your cap and gown is paramount. It’s recommended to order these essentials from This attire symbolizes years of hard work and academic achievement. On May 16th cap and gowns would be distributed to English classrooms.
2. Clearing School Fines:**
Completing your high school journey entails tying up loose ends, including clearing any outstanding school fines. Failure to return borrowed items or settle fines may delay receiving your diploma. Fulfill these obligations to ensure an easy graduation process.
3. Acquiring Graduation Tickets for Family:**
Sharing this monumental occasion with loved ones is a cherished tradition. Seniors typically receive a limited number of tickets for family members, this year it is six per student. Plan accordingly and communicate with fellow seniors if additional tickets are needed for more family members. On may 17th,
4. Notable Details About Graduation Location**
Handel Stadium will host the commencement between 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Arriving early is essential, especially for securing parking, ensuring you don’t miss any memorable moments.
5. Fulfilling College Requirements:**
For those continuing their academic journey post-graduation, meeting college requirements is imperative. A-G requirements are mandatory for admission to UCs and Cal State universities, while community college admission may have different criteria. Maintain satisfactory grades and successfully complete coursework to meet these prerequisites.

As seniors approach the end of the year, attention to detail and preparation are key. Assistant Principal Ms. Kovars emphasizes the importance of maintaining academic excellence and perseverance until the very end. By addressing these essential details, seniors can embark on their academic and personal journey with confidence, celebrating their achievements and embracing the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.