The cheer and song team is made up of over 50 students split into three divisions, Frosh, JV, and Varsity. Every school year the team has many opportunities to cheer at athletic events such as basketball and football games to pump up the crowd. The cheer and song team also get to go to many different competitions.
Last summer the cheer and song team went to camp. At camp, they got to try out for something called All-American and they made it! Being in All American means having opportunities to cheer at parades and to cheer nationally and internationally. Recently the cheer and song members that made All American went to London. Tyler Liang, the varsity cheer captain, stated that “…performing in London was an interesting experience since it was different competing outside of home, experiencing different cultures, and meeting new people.”
The cheer and song team has been to three competitions this year. They start practicing their competition routines in September and it takes them about a month to learn a routine.

Liang feels that being captain is different, because it gives you a new opportunity to branch out, lead, and vocalize what the coach is trying to get done. “Being captain is like being an extension of the coach,” he said.
These school-spirited students continue to use their amazing opportunities to support Cypress and even make new friends along the way.