Check N Connect has been quite the controversial topic, especially since in 2023 the school created assignments to do during this time. If these assignments are not completed, meaning that if the student doesn’t have a 60% or higher in this “class,” then they will be on a no-go list for any school events and will be given the opportunity to complete the assignments and attend the events.
Check N Connect used to be considered wasted time, even though it counted as instructional minutes, due to students not paying attention to what was being shown in the announcements or some teachers simply not putting on the announcements. This has now changed since the teachers are required to put on the announcements, in order for the students to be able to complete their assignments on eKadence. These new rules that have been implemented will help students become more focused and will help them manage their time better. Unfortunately, consequences are necessary because as Principal Jennifer Brown said, “we all know teenagers, if you don’t have to do it, you won’t do it, so we had to put something in to incentivize students so they get the important information.”
Although these new assignments being handed out may irritate some students, they can be quite beneficial. They allow students to have more time in order to research important topics that interest them such as colleges, mental health, ePortfolios and much more. These activities during Check N Connect provide a space for students to build skills that will be needed in their future careers, and on the positive side, they only take 10-15 minutes each.

Some students dislike the thought of having to go through more assignments in addition to their regular classwork. Junior, John Mendoza said, “I believe that it [Check N Connect] should be optional and I believe that if you do the assignments, you should get certain extra credit points.”
Even though these assignments are mandatory, some students don’t pay attention to them and begin to play around on their phones instead of interacting with each other and getting work done. This could lead to the possibility of Check N Connect not being used to its full potential. Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Jenkin said, “I think this is a time that kids could be asking for help […] or just doing something that could help students do better and be more successful.”
Check N Connect is different from how it used to be during the 2022-2023 school year since now every student completes assignments as a requirement of this “class” on eKadence. Even though it may seem useless to a few students to complete these simple assignments, they provide a space in which students could seek out help for their mental health, investigate their college options, and, depending on the teacher, receive extra credit. Students should focus on the positive side which will make completing these assignments much easier.