Freshman Assembly Welcomes All 9th Graders
photo by Brianna Naranjo
Taylor Reese, Kade Shigekawa, and Nikesh Patel helped plan the assembly for ASB.
September 26, 2022
The month of August brought many joyful events. Among these events was the freshman assembly, which took place in the gym, and this event was very memorable because students had a glimpse of what high school would be like through a series of presenters and slides on August 12, 2022.

Students were entertained by many performances given by the cheer team and the dance team. Their main source of joy was the musical chairs game, which had everybody screaming and cheering for their friends. One of the fiercest competitors was freshman Alexandria Vandeven, who demonstrated true “girl power.” In fact, many students agreed that their favorite part of the event was the musical chairs and the warm welcoming.
Ninth grader Adony Moreno-Bruni said, “This freshman assembly, it was amazing! It was just so good. When I entered the gym I was so flabbergasted. The colors were just so blinding, but in such a good way, you know? It was really an amazing experience for all the freshmen.”
Ninth grader Marlene Sixtos said, “It was very welcoming. It was a very fun experience, not gonna lie. My favorite part of the assembly was cheer.”

This grand event was organized by ASB. ASB was led by their organizer, Sarah Binford, and included the four ASB freshman members, Taylor Reese, Logan Henderson, Kade Shigekawa, and Nikesh Patel. They had been preparing for this event a week before it took place and started to practice their speeches a few hours before the event had started. They had the job of introducing themselves and wishing everyone a happy school year. They were a little nervous about how people were going to react, though. Henderson stated, “Everybody was worried that it wouldn’t be loud enough and hype, but it was actually very good. They were interacting quite a bit, more than we expected.”

At this event, students felt as if they were truly a part of high school life. Many students felt their high school experience had begun and weren’t afraid to say how they felt about it. 9th grader Sean Lee said, “I think it has been a great time so far and I’m looking forward to the years that are to come.”
Entering this new stage in their lives, they have new expectations because junior high is quite different from high school. Most students wish to earn good grades, make a certain sports team, and hope to have a good year. 9th grader Jake Governo said, “I hope to not fail all my classes.”
This freshman assembly brought everybody much joy and the class of 2026 cannot wait to see what the next four years will bring.
Cooper Acton ♦ Oct 26, 2022 at 1:54 pm
I think this article was good because it wrapped up the assembly pretty well. I also liked different peoples perspectives on the event.
Dylan Hardey ♦ Oct 26, 2022 at 1:46 pm
I liked this article because it talks about the amazing assembly that day and how lots of freshmen got to be involved with it for there first time and it’s really cool to see many people preparing for a long time just for one assembly for freshmen. It was a great first assembly of the year!
Alondra Ruiz ♦ Oct 26, 2022 at 12:05 pm
I liked this article because it gave the perspective of students and expressed our feelings towards the assembly.
Natalie Acosta ♦ Oct 26, 2022 at 9:03 am
I loved this article because my friends got to be interviewed and everything they said about being welcoming was true.