Succeeding as a Team
photo by Michael Omaye
The Cypress High School boys golf team is working on practicing and improving their swings.
April 1, 2022

The Cypress High School’s boys golf teams are starting off with a strong start. Both boys JV and Varsity are determined to succeed in the upcoming matches that they have throughout the season.
The Varsity boys golf team focuses more on going to the range two times a week to practice and to find time for themselves to work out beforehand. Then, they have a golf meet every Friday. During practice, the team members help each other out with their forms and sometimes play the course. Before every match, the players stretch so that it helps them get comfortable.
Kaiden Desai, a freshman on the varsity golf team said that his main goals are to improve his game, get his scores as low as possible, and play the best that he can. Desai’s role model is Tiger Woods. His advice to future Cypress High School golf players is to “keep grinding because it’s going to pay off soon.”
The JV golf team exercises every Monday by running perimeters, push-ups, crunches, squats, and curls with dumbbells. This works on their muscles to help them hit the ball efficiently and add distance to their shots. Then, they go to the range on Wednesday and have golf meets on Friday. During practice, they do a total of nine holes on average to work on their swings. When hitting the ball, accuracy and consistency are critical and depend on the golf clubs that are used.
Michael Omaye, a freshman JV golf player said, “I use a pre-shot routine where I look at the hole from the back of the ball and swing while thinking of my grip, posture, and control.” Omaye’s role model is Jordan Spieth because he has been watching him since he was six years old and liked the way he hits the ball. Some important things that he gained from golf are socializing more with other players as well as conditioning his body to stay fit. His advice to future Cypress boys golf players is, to “do your best and see how good you can get.”
Coach Lujan, the varsity golf coach said, “The boys are doing really well this year and continuing to do their best to go to playoffs this year as a team.”