Carly Pedroza
Independent Studies teacher Ms. Romo enjoys helping students to accomplish their goals.
Independent studies is a program many schools offer for students who may not be able to attend a regular day-to-day school schedule, but still want to obtain their A-G high school diploma or just their high school diploma. It is a great alternative for those who may not be able to perform well, socially or academically with others.
There may be students who struggle with learning while being surrounded by others, as well as not being able to be in a social environment without feeling overwhelmed. Independent studies gives students the opportunity to still receive their high school diplomas and their A-G. This program allows students to come in, when needed, with the requirements of going at least once a week to a separate classroom and having one-on-one time with a teacher. Nelly Rojas, a student of the Cypress High School independent studies program says “I really enjoy independent studies, I find it way easier to complete classes and relieves the stress of having so many teachers.”
Independent study allows students to do everything a normal in-person high school student can do, including AP classes, dual enrollment and current enrollment. Although students are able to work at home

and at their own pace, there are certain requirements in order to stay in the program, such as having no lower than a C- after completing a class unit, turning in at least two units per week, and checking in with your teacher at least once a week. If you fail to do so, there may be consequences such as being removed from the course. Independent Studies teacher Greg Chastain said, “If it starts becoming a problem with not coming in, we will do something called an academic intervention where we call the parents, the counselor and the principal and we will have a Google Meet and try to figure out why this is happening.”
If a student completes all of their classes for the school year, they are able to move on to the next year’s courses, usually towards the end of the semester. Even though teachers don’t recommend this, it’s always a possibility for the students. In certain situations with seniors, if they are to finish all of their courses before graduation, they are able to “graduate” early. With this, the students are still able to participate in the graduation ceremony and walk the stage with their school if they would like. The only difference is their diploma will say “independent studies.”
Although this program is great for students, teachers and students are advised that this may be the last year independent studies will be an option. Because this may be the last year, many applicants were denied entry into the program at Cypress. Only students with extreme circumstances were. Allowed to enroll. With that, if independent studies get taken away from the schools, they will offer alternate programs options for the students such as Independent Learning Center (ILC) or Cambridge Virtual Academy.
The ILC is a program where the students are required to attend every day for at least four hours. They have their own tutors as well as their own psychologist and social workers. As well as they are on registrar’s. With the Cambridge Virtual Academy everything is completely online. Students will have six classes as well as six different teachers, and many of the teachers will hold their classes after school while some will do it during the school day.
Although the students and teachers are advised that this might be the last year students and teachers have expressed their concerns for taking the class away. If the program is taken away, not only will the teachers need to adjust to teaching bigger classes, teachers may even be transferred to different schools. The students will have to adjust and adapt to having to attend regular classes at school every day.