The SAT will be fully digital for all students starting from the year of 2024.
The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) will be digital for all students starting in 2024.
While international students started the digital testing in 2023, US students will not take the SAT on paper.
The first digital 2024 SAT exam for US students will be on March 9, 2024. The registration deadline will be February 23, 2024.
According to Prep Scholar, the College Board changed the format “to make the SAT easier to take and easier to give and to make the SAT more relevant.” Instead of taking the test traditionally for three hours, the time will be cut down to roughly two hours and 45 minutes, reflecting the length of the test.
The benefits of the digital SAT include:
Increased accessibility for students
Shorter test period
Concise reading passages
Additional test-taking digital tools
Students can take practice tests to prepare for the digital SAT the College Board has released on their website.
Elysia Kim, a junior at Cypress High School said, “I think this change comes with both pros and cons. Some people who are better test takers on paper would probably view this as a con while those who don’t mind taking tests online probably view this as a pro.”
Tips and Recommendations for the SAT:
Take multiple practice tests before the final exam
Create a study group and take advantage of the practice tests
Eat a healthy, balanced meal before the SAT
Be sure to pack all needed materials the day before
Acceptable ID
Printed copy of the SAT ticket
Pencil and eraser
Wear comfortable clothes and be confident