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The boys are discussing their next move during their break.
Boys’ Basketball is getting ready to shoot, jump, and defend on the Centurion courts. Right now the team is 1-2 in the preseason with their rank at Varsity, JV, and frosh/soph boys are working hard to bring Cypress to victory.
This year, the captains for the JV team of Cypress Basketball are Jackson Houston, Chase Snyder, Andrew Choi, and Josiyah Hall Deans. For varsity basketball,

Jonah Kim, number 44 on the basketball court, puts his mindset into getting ready for the new season. Kim started his basketball journey in kindergarten and remembers watching the sport on TV, finding the sport cool. Now as a junior here at Cypress High, he practices hard with his team. Some drills that happen during their practices are ball handling drills, and shooting team offense/defense. During these practices, his favorite drill to do is the shooting offense team, and likes using this drill to prepare for games. Kim said he enjoys basketball because “It’s a fun sport, and it revolves around teamwork.” While playing on the courts, Kim had a few injuries. One of the biggest injuries was a dislocated elbow. With this injury, he felt discouraged and demoralized but was able to go through it, and persevere. While dribbling on the courts his mind is focused on the ball and the team around him. With his love for basketball, he still wants to play in college and even after his high school years. However, he wouldn’t want to pursue basketball as a career, but more for fun.
JV player, Isaac Vergara, is ready for this season too. Vergara also started playing basketball when he was in kindergarten and thought it would be a cool sport to play. Vergara’s favorite drills to do during practice are scrimmages and defense drills. He likes basketball because “It is a very intense sport with lots of teamwork and is overall just a fun sport to play.” His only thought while playing is to try his hardest.
Ethan Lee, another Varsity player on this year’s basketball team is also very excited. While being on the JV team in the previous year, which was his first year, he said “Our team did decently last year. I thought it was a pretty good season but we are definitely better this year and made a lot of improvements. There is no official MVP on the team, but we all have our own opinions.”
Thanks to all coaches of the team, Coach Mitchell, JV Coach Benny, Frosh Coaches Cam, and Coach Russ this team will be able to dominate the courts.